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DOs and DONTs of Waxing: Tips for a Successful Session

Apr 25, 2023

Waxing is a common technique used to remove unwanted hair from various parts of the body. It involves applying hot wax to the skin and pulling it off in the opposite direction of hair growth. While this method is used by many to achieve smooth skin, not everyone knows the proper way to prepare for and execute a successful waxing session. Let us go through the DOs and DONTs of waxing to help you achieve the best results possible.

  • DO exfoliate before waxing. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells, which can make it harder for the wax to adhere to your skin. It also helps to prevent ingrown hairs. However, be sure to do this at least 24 hours before your waxing appointment to prevent any irritation to your skin.

  • DON'T apply any lotions, oils or creams before waxing. These can create a barrier between your skin and the wax, making it harder for the wax to adhere. If you want to moisturise your skin, do so after your waxing session.

  • DO trim your hair to the recommended length. The recommended length for hair to be waxed is around a quarter inch. If your hair is longer than that, it can be difficult for the wax to adhere to the hair, resulting in a less successful waxing session.

  • DON'T use any sunbeds or expose yourself to direct sunlight within 24 hours of your waxing session. Waxing can make your skin more sensitive, and exposing your skin to UV rays can cause irritation or even burns.

  • DO prepare yourself mentally for the waxing session. Waxing may be uncomfortable or even painful, but it's important to stay calm and relaxed during the process. You can take pain-relieving medication if necessary, but make sure to consult with your doctor before taking any medication.

Post-Waxing Care

After a waxing session, it is essential to take some precautions to ensure that your skin remains healthy and free from infections. Firstly, avoid exposing the waxed area to direct sunlight for at least 24 hours as this can cause further irritation and prolong healing time. Secondly, do not use any lotions or products with harsh chemicals as they can cause inflammation and damage to the skin. Instead, opt for gentle, fragrance-free moisturisers that will nourish and soothe the skin. Lastly, refrain from any activities that involve sweating or friction on the waxed area, such as exercising or tight clothing. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your waxing experience is smooth and as painless as possible, leaving you with soft, supple, and healthy-looking skin.

Waxing can be a great way to achieve smooth skin, but it's important to follow these dos and don'ts to have a successful waxing session. Remember to exfoliate before waxing, trim your hair to the recommended length, and avoid any lotions, oils, or creams before the session. Be sure to prepare your skin by avoiding sunbeds, and mentally prepare yourself for the session. These tips will help you achieve the smoothest and a successful waxing session. If you are looking for a permanent hair reduction solution then laser hair removal is one of the best options. At makeO skinnsi, laser hair reduction can help you get up to 90% hair reduction with slim chances of early re-growth. As laser hair removal destroys the hair follicle, it takes a long while for the hair to start growing back. With easy EMI options, latest technology and painless process at the comforts of your home, makeO skinnsi’s laser hair removal services are with your money. 

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